Saturday, March 26, 2005

Love Letter from God

My Precious Child,

I wanted to write you to tell you how very special you are to me. I gave you my Word as a constant reminder, but I understand that sometimes you may find it difficult and time-consuming to dig through all the “thees” and “thous” to get to the verses that talk about my love for you. I hope that you’ll find the time to dig deeper into my Word, though, because within it I have hidden innumerable treasures for you to discover. As I have said clearly throughout my Word, those who seek me in earnest will find me.

First of all, I want to remind you that I made you. I dreamt you up before there was a heaven or an earth. I wrote your blueprint in the palm of my hand before I laid the foundations of the world. I knit you together in your mother’s womb before you were born. I gave you the light in your eyes and numbered the very hairs upon your head. I made you in my image and destined you for greatness.

Before you came to be, I devised a plan and purpose for your priceless life. It was a plan to prosper you, to make you successful, and to protect you from disaster. A plan to give you hope and a future. Through my deep, abiding, and eternal love, I made it possible for you to succeed in all your endeavors. I promised you that I would never condemn you or be angry with you. I forgave you before you ever sinned, and spared you the punishment that you deserved. Through my Son, Jesus, I freed you from the ultimate penalty of sin.

I redeemed you—bought you back—from the curse of the law and brought you unto myself because of my love for you. I made you a new creature. I crucified the sinful person you were on the cross with my Son. His blood cleansed you and covered all your sin. I placed my Spirit in your heart to guide you into all Truth. Through Him, you are now free from the power of sin.

I predestined you for eternal life. I provided the means and the motivation for you to receive my Son, Jesus, as your personal Savior and Lord. I have made it possible for you to life a godly life on earth, and I have prepared a place for you in heaven so that when your time on earth is over, you can come and spend eternity with me. I have designed a perfect, glorified body—one that will never decay—for you to wear in heaven. On the day when you finally meet me face-to-face you will be forever free from the very presence of sin.

I placed my Spirit in you as your Comforter and a guarantee of your eternal salvation. You belong to me and are continually under my protection. I have given you the same authority over the devil and his demons that I gave to my Son, Jesus. I have even given you the power to crush Satan under your feet. In your behalf, Jesus disarmed principalities and powers, making them a public spectacle, triumphing over them in the cross. Nothing can in any way harm you, my precious child. You will never be separated from my love.

Through my Spirit and my Word, I have given you everything you need for life and godliness. I have made myself your total sufficiency in every area of your life. I am the provision for all your needs, your strength, your health, your protection, and your victory. I am the Light of your world, and you are a reflection of my light. To me, you are a sweet-smelling fragrance. I have given you my glory and my joy in full measure, and I have flooded your heart with my love. I am available to you whenever and wherever you may need me. I will never leave nor forsake you. You can always rely on me because I never change.

I have made you a joint heir with Jesus of everything that I have. I have caused all things—good and bad—to work together for your good. Because I am for you, no one can ever be against you. You will never be put to shame because of your faith in me. I have given you the authority to reign as a king. One day you will judge the world and angels.

I will comfort you in your times of trouble, and discipline you when you go astray. I must allow you to endure suffering so that you can share in my glory, but my boundless consolation is available to you whenever you need it. You may be hard pressed on every side, but you will never be crushed. You may be perplexed, but you will never be in despair. You may be persecuted, but you will never be abandoned. You may be struck down, but you will never be destroyed. I have made you more than a conqueror in all things. One day, you will be led about in my Son’s triumphal procession.

Finally, I want you to know that to me, you are the righteousness of Christ Jesus, my Son. I have set you free and brought you to myself. I have given you the mind of Christ and made your body the dwelling place of my Holy Spirit. I have enlightened you and lavished upon you the riches of my grace with wisdom and understanding. I have made known to you the mystery of my will according to my good pleasure. I have chosen you and predestined you according to my plan, and I will work everything out in your life according to my desire. I will give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation so that you can know me better. You are my workmanship, created by me in advance to do good works. Nothing that I have ever created is more precious to me than you, My Child.

My hope for you is that you will remain in me so that I may perfect you and fashion you into the magnificent masterpiece that I had in mind from the beginning. I have begun a good work in you and I will complete it. I am working in you now to conform your will to mine and to cause you to do that which is pleasing to me. You have my peace, which passes all human understanding, to guide and guard your heart and mind. I am working within you to make you holy in my sight, without blemish and free from accusation. One day, Jesus will present you to me without fault and with great joy. Until that day, My Child, hold on to me as I have held on to you, for I am faithful. I will bring about all that I have planned for you in your life. Therefore, lay aside every weight and sin and run the race before you with patience so that you may ultimately receive the prize. And when the race is over, I’ll be at the finish line to welcome you home to glory.

Well done, my good and faithful servant!


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