Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Living on the Edge

Have you noticed all the EXTREME reality shows on television? It seems the new drug of choice is Adrenalin. Folks seek out the feeling of having their hearts pound practically out of their chest, feeling blood rush to their brains, and gasping for breath. I've never been much of a risk taker, but even I can understand the underlying quest for excitement and the head rush that accompanies it. Interestingly enough, this is not a new phenomenon. It's a part of our human nature. The only thing that has changed is that there is a whole new variety of ways to pursue that Adrenalin rush.

Young people in particular seem to have a penchant for the extreme and one of the most extreme things that anyone can do is to live for Christ. I think of Christians in other parts of our world who are suffering persecution and even death in their attempt to live godly lives. I can't imagine that bungee jumping or hang-gliding could begin to provide the Arednalin rush caused by being chased by machine-gun- or machete-wielding Christophobes. We hear news reports virtually every day about persecution, beheadings, arrests of pastors, and the destruction of churches all over the world. We have no idea how very good we have it here in America, but in other parts of the world, living a life that is consistent with the teachings of Christ can and often does cost individuals their freedom and sometimes their lives.

I challenge all believers to consider pursuing the most extreme activity I can imagine--standing up for your faith 24/7. It's easy to be a good Christian at church, or when you're around your Christian friends, but what about when you're in school or at the mall or on the job? Despite the fact that we here in America are blessed with religious freedom, living for Jesus is NOT without consequences. Ask someone who's done it consistently. They will likely tell you that it's cost them friends and sometimes family. There will always be 'the devil's crowd' who will be more than happy to heap insults on you when you espouse your beliefs or take a stand for what's right. Jesus warned us that we would be "persecuted for righteousness' sake." He also reminded us, however, that we will be blessed in proportion to how much we endure such persecution. (Matthew 5:10-12)

If you're one who loves to live on the edge and who craves Adrenalin highs, let me challenge you to the ULTIMATE EXTREME! Try living for Jesus Christ just for one full day, in front of your family, your friends, and even strangers. Better yet, try it when NO ONE is around! That's the true test of godliness and Christian character. It's how you act when no one but God is watching!

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