Friday, August 04, 2006

How a Youth Group Saved John's Life

I'd like to share with you the story of John. It's a true story. It was originally told by Ann Kiemel Anderson in her book, I'm Out to Change My World. I hope you'll take the time to read it through. It could make the difference between the life and death of someone you know.

John was one of those kids who always had his head down and never looked anyone in the eye. He was sullen and afraid and never allowed anyone to get close. One day at youth group, John wasn't there, so Ann asked the group if they'd like to perform a 'love experiment' and try to love John into fellowship. As you can imagine, the initial response from the other kids in the group was less than enthusiastic. But they went along, if only out of curiosity. The next time John showed up at youth group, everyone fought over who got to sit by him. They sent him letters and notes during the week. Some would stop by his house and pick him up and take him to get a soda. Whatever they could think of to do, they did for John...for six months. It got old! John didn't respond

Love was hard work. Maybe too hard. The kids wanted to quit. But Ann encouraged them to keep loving John. Then one day when he showed up at church, he smiled. It was the first time anyone had ever seen John smile. Everyone was elated. Then another time, John laughed out loud. Another first! Things were really looking up. Then John's mother called Ann.

John's mother told Ann about how when the family was on a weekend camping trip, John had kept to himself and then burst out crying and couldn't stop. She was understandably upset. When she asked him what was wrong, he replied, "I'm such a failure, Mom. I'm such a flop." His mother responded, "It's that church you're going to. They're not treating you right." "No, no. It's my only hope. They love me over there." pleaded John. The mother recounted how the instant he uttered those words, he seemed to find a peace he hadn't had before and his whole demeanor began to change.

After that weekend, in youth group John began to hold his head up. He laughed more, and he actually prayed out loud. He even decided to play with the church softball team and was one of the best players they ever had. He began to bring friends to church. Love changed John's life.

Do you know any Johns or Janes? Is there someone at your church or school or work that you could love back to life? I challenge you to give it a shot. God's love is amazing and powerful and there is NO limit to what it can accomplish.

"34A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:34-35)

For a complete definition of God's love, visit my blogpost "What Is Love?"

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